netJACK Evaluation Board dual-port memory

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The universal Exchangeable Module netJACK with its PCI Express interface addresses in particular the embedded market with high-performance CPUs like Intel Atom®. Alternatively, there are versions with a traditional dual-port memory and a fast serial SPI interface.

All variants have the compact design of a closed IP40 module which can be mounted without using tools. Additional costs for the exchangeable module will not incur because connector and mounting rails are designed as contact areas or cut-outs on the host system.

netJACK can be mounted quickly and easily – right before shipment or later by the end customer.

With netJACK, customers can realize the full range of communication solutions, e. g. for drives, HMI systems, or ident systems. Additional functions, e. g. soft-PLC, visualization or applications developed by the customer are possible, too. For customer-specific requirements, Hilscher offers a cost-optimized Design and Production Service.

Due to the Hilscher network controller netX, a 10-year delivery guarantee is granted.

  • Simple evaluation of netJACK with DPM with host connection
  • Host connection via dual-port memory or SPI
  • One evaluation platform for all protocols
  • Simple plug-in installation without tools
  • No additional components required for mounting and connecting to the carrier board


Order number

netJACK Evaluation Board dual-port memory,NJEB-D 1600.000


netJACK design guide Versie: V07
netJACK user manual Versie: V08

Technical documentation

netJACK datasheet Versie: 10_2022
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